As a member of your homeowners association Board you will be thrust directly into the limelight if and when this issue comes up. Before you do anything else make sure you know the rules your HOA has in place regarding the matter. Typically, these would be contained in the Use Restriction section of your CC&Rs or may be contained in a separate amendment to the CC&Rs. Your documents will be the guiding factor in determining what is and is not allowed when it comes to renting in the Association.
Of course, the rules regarding rentals in your homeowners association can be changed. This would most likely be a debatable issue with valid points for each side. If your HOA chooses to tackle the issue, be prepared by knowing the pros and cons.
There are differing views on both sides of the issue. Let's take a look at both:
As you can see from the pros and cons listed above there are positive and negative reasons that should be considered when contemplating rental caps within your community. If the issue ever comes up in your community you can bet it's going to be an important one. The best thing you can do is be prepared when dealing with the issue.
It is important to consider the current situation within your homeowners association and what restrictions may or may not be in place. To make a change in the use restrictions or your CC&Rs regarding a rental cap would be a process which would include a vote of the membership for final approval.
Instituting a rental cap or not is an issue you and your homeowners association Board might have to deal with at some point. Be ready for the differing views, the pros and cons you may face if you choose to tackle the issue. It can be handled with some forethought and preparation and community input should definitely be considered.