What makes an average HOA board amazing and a good HOA board great? It can be summarized in one word: education. An educated board with committed members is the makings of a successfully run homeowners association. Add to the mix an invested property manager and you have a stellar combination.
Importance of Education
Ultimately, the Board is responsible for running the business of the Association and the decisions that need to be made to address issues that come its way. It should be a pleasant experience for everyone involved. If Board members are ignorant about how the Association is run and don’t have the help and resources they need, then the Association is at risk. HOA board members need to understand how to run the Association so they can do the best job they can for the community they are members of.
Association-Specific Training
Lack of education is one of the most critical issues facing board members today. An invested HOA management company can help both seasoned and new board members better understand what they’ve been elected to do. Board members are volunteers, and they’re busy, so it’s understandable that they wouldn’t want to give up a weekend going to a large training seminar.
But how about having a small training program for Associations similar to yours that address specific issues it faces? It can be as simple as providing access to an expert – like a lawyer – to give HOA board members the opportunity to ask that burning question on their mind.
New Board Member Training
A new board member training seminar is another way to educate. New board members are quite possibly wondering what they got themselves into, so starting with an empowering story or encouraging word can help to get new members excited. Then get down to business and start with the most important responsibilities first.
Many board members don’t even read the CC&Rs and Bylaws, so begin by going over the basic documents in the Association. What are they? What do they say relevant to your homeowners association? Next, address how crucial it is to understand HOA laws, especially the Davis-Stirling Act. There is no excuse for not obeying the law – especially ignorance. The Association community trusts its Board members to make reasonable business decisions and a major part of this involves compliance with the law.
Consider Hiring an HOA Management Company
An HOA manager can be your resident expert by providing continual education, encouraging Board members to work together, making sure the Board is operating smoothly, and improving the Association by helping Board members do their job well.