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businessman holding box of stuff from his deskIt's never a good time to lose your job so how do you survive job loss while owning a house in a homeowners association? The National Foundation for Credit Counseling offers the following tips for surviving a layoff:

  1. Allow yourself to be upset or even afraid. These are natural reactions. However, if they become intense, seek professional help. Talking things through and hearing another person's perspective can bring relief and restore your positive outlook.

  2. Resist the urge to tell your boss what you truly think of him or her. Remember, you may need him or her as a reference for a future job.

  3. Take advantage of any assistance your workplace offers. Many companies provide placement assistance, job retraining and severance packages. Make sure you are aware of all benefits offered.

  4. Apply for any applicable government benefits. Your HR representative at work will be a good resource.

  5. Resist the urge to solve your problems by spending recklessly. It may feel good for the moment, but the high of spending won't equal the low of dealing with additional debt when there is no income.

  6. Don't be tempted to live off of your credit cards. Someone with a good line of credit could actually support the family at the current standard of living by using credit, but there's no guarantee a new position will materialize any time soon. Expect one month of job search for each $10,000 of annual income you hope to replace. In other words, if you seek a $50,000 salary, it may take you five months to land that job.

  7. Take a personal inventory. Consider all assets, income and expenses. No one wants to liquidate assets to survive, but it is good to know what you have to fall back on.

  8. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Nothing is off-limits. Consider selling the second car or recreational vehicle, real estate holdings, rental properties or jewelry.

  9. After you review your income versus debt obligations, if you don’t have enough money to make ends meet, calculate how much you’ll need for basic household expenses. Your goal is to pay everyone, but if you must make a choice, keep food on the table and your home life stable by paying your rent or mortgage, homeowners association assessment fees, utilities, childcare, insurance premiums and health care.

  10. Have a family meeting that includes the children. You don't want family members pulling in different directions, and a joint effort yields a better result.

  11. Make cutbacks wherever possible, knowing that your austere lifestyle will only be temporary. Resolve to stop all non-essential spending immediately.

  12. Tracking your spending is always a good idea, but when money is tight, it's essential. Write down every cent you spend. After 30 days, review where the money went and decide where to cut back. You'll be amazed how much you can save without feeling the pinch.

  13. Contact your creditors to arrange lower payments. Most major credit card issuers have help programs. Explain your situation and what you're doing to resolve it. The creditor may be able to temporarily lower your monthly payment and reduce interest.

  14. Inform your mortgage lender of your situation. Be prepared to provide documentation of your setback, and have a resolution plan in mind. Since the average consumer doesn't know all the loan modifications available, sit down with a certified housing counselor and map out a plan best suited to your situation.

The National Foundation for Credit Counseling is a national nonprofit credit counseling organization and is meant to help support you. 

Remember you will survive job loss. Just keep a positive perspective, an open line of communication with your family, and keep your homeowners association board informed when it comes to HOA fees - and don’t forget to reach out for help!