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house wrapped in hat and scarfIt’s that time of year—you’ve exchanged your swimsuit from long days at the community Association pool for sweaters and scarves just in time to roll down your sleeves and prepare your home for cooler weather. As we watch the warm days fade into the sunset, consider adding the following items to your winterization checklist, and ensure your home is in tip-top shape for the fall and winter seasons in your homeowners association.

Update your window treatments

Summer’s venetian blinds and sheer curtain panels won’t keep the frigid air from creeping in on a cold night. Consider switching to a denser curtain fabric for the winter months to keep your home feeling cozy and keep heating bills low.

Schedule appliance check-ups

Your HVAC system, air ducts and hot water heater should be checked by a licensed professional to ensure all elements are in good shape for the change in weather, especially if any appliances worked overtime during summer months.

Don’t forget the attic

Check for leaks in the roof, possible cracks in attic windows and insufficient insulation. If your Association is responsible for roofs, they may not know that there is a leak until you report it. With the help of a licensed professional, you can shield your attic from harsh weather and make sure that no water leaks occur during those winter months.

Replace weather stripping

Most homeowners associations are not responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of doors and windows. During winter months they may need extra help to hold heat inside your home. Inspect all door and window perimeters for cracks or tears in your current weather stripping. You also can add a second layer of protection with temporary weather stripping applied over the top of your existing seals.

Deep clean and declutter

Thoroughly clean your home’s nooks and crannies inside and out. Ensure electrical cords, outlets and air vents are dust and clutter-free; tidy up garages and storage areas; and clear any debris from your home’s exterior, especially around vents and drains.

Winterizing your home is part of being a responsible homeowner and will also save you energy and money throughout the year. Be sure to read the governing documents in your homeowners association so you have a clear understanding of the components you’re responsible for and what the Association is responsible for.

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