How well a homeowners association functions is directly related to how well HOA board members fulfill their roles on the board. If each person understands the responsibilities of their position, and executes well, then the Association will run like a well-oiled machine.
Officer responsibilities change from board to board depending on your specific Association. First and foremost, board members must read the CC&Rs, bylaws and rules and regulations of their homeowners association.
The bylaws are perhaps the most important document for board members to read because they describe how the board works and outlines the responsibilities of each board member’s position. The CC&Rs will dictate the restrictions of what can and cannot be done in the Association, as well as the responsibilities of the homeowner and the responsibilities of the Association.
HOA board members cannot give away their responsibilities, but most bylaws will allow the officer holder to transfer the responsibility of doing the work. For example, the treasurer has the responsibility of presenting the financials at the Board meeting, but they may ask an HOA management company or an accountant to actually put together the financial statement. In other words, you can give away the function, but you can’t give away the responsibility.
Board members have a responsibility to the members of the Association to fulfill their roles on the board. Below are some general duties of each office. The duties of each position are also outlined in the Davis-Stirling Act.
- Acts as the leader of the homeowners association
- Presides over HOA board meetings
- Serves as general manager overseeing day-to-day matters (unless a manager has been hired)
- Serves as the liaison between the board and an HOA manager
- Communicates regularly with the HOA manager or other expert if a problem or issue comes up
- Co-signs checks
Vice President:
- Supports the president if called upon by the president
- Performs the duties of the president in the president’s absence
- Steps up if the president has to resign
- Co-signs checks
- Oversees giving notice of HOA board and membership meetings
- Ensures that meeting minutes are taken and approved
- Oversees preparation of the membership list
- Maintains Association records
- Reviews and understands the Association’s financials
- Reports financial status of the Association at meetings
- Oversees the operating and reserve accounts
- Keeps and maintains the Association’s financial documents
- Oversees deposits, investments, and the preparation of the budgets
- Ensures bills are paid
- Is involved in preparation of the reserve study
- Co-signs with president or secretary
Being and HOA board member can be a very fulfilling and rewarding endeavor; however you must be prepared to take on the responsibilities of your role as a board member. Since board members are volunteers, it’s easy for the job to start feeling like a burden. This is where an HOA manager can help.