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HOA board meetings stand as vital gatherings, serving as a cornerstone for addressing community matters, making consequential decisions, and fostering open communication among members. The HOA board should be committed to ensure that these meetings are transparent, inclusive, and productive. Let's dive deeper into the specifics of who can attend HOA board meetings and some board meeting best practices.


All homeowners, irrespective of their duration of residence or property type (e.g., single-family homes, townhouses, condos), are welcome to attend HOA board meetings. This is not just an invitation but an opportunity for valued members to engage firsthand with community affairs. By attending, you can gain insights into ongoing projects, understand the decision-making process, and directly voice your opinions or concerns to the board.

Renters and Tenants

While homeowners are encouraged to participate actively, renters and tenants usually do not possess the inherent right to attend HOA board meetings, unless designated as a proxy representative by the homeowner or as a guest. If you’re a renter, we encourage you to communicate with the property owner regarding any concerns or suggestions you'd like to raise during these meetings. Your voice, through the homeowner, can be a valuable addition to the discussions.

Guests and Visitors

HOA board meetings extend an open invitation to guests and visitors who wish to observe the proceedings. However, it's important to note that their participation might be limited to an observational role. While they might not hold voting rights or engage in discussions, their presence showcases the community's commitment to transparency and inclusivity.


Attorneys representing either homeowners or the HOA itself are usually granted access to board meetings, especially when legal matters are on the agenda. Their presence serves as a guidepost, ensuring the board's decisions align with legal standards. It's important to note that while attorneys bring legal expertise, their active participation might be reserved for discussions directly related to legal matters.


Vendors, including contractors, service providers, or external entities working with the HOA, can attend board meetings by invitation. Their involvement is particularly encouraged when topics relevant to their services or contracts are being discussed. Their firsthand input helps the HOA board stay informed about ongoing projects, updates, and any concerns tied to the services they provide.

HOA Board Meeting Best Practices

Following the guidelines outlined in the CC&Rs and following some general best practices and etiquette can create a respected and productive atmosphere during HOA board meetings that enhances the overall experience for everyone involved. Here are some best practices to keep in mind.

Meeting Notifications

In the spirit of transparent communication, timely meeting notifications are paramount. Well in advance, you can expect to receive notifications containing vital information such as the meeting date, time, location (or virtual access details), and the proposed agenda. These notifications, coupled with relevant documents pertaining to the meeting, ensure that you're well-prepared to actively engage in discussions.

Participating in Discussions

While your attendance is welcomed, meaningful participation relies on adherence to certain guidelines. To facilitate a structured and effective meeting, attendees should adhere to the pre-set agenda and any specific protocols established by the HOA board. These protocols are designed to ensure everyone's voice is heard, discussions remain focused, and time is used efficiently.

Meeting in Private

Within homeowners associations, the question of whether HOA board members can meet in private often stirs curiosity and concern. In general, HOA board members can meet in private, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind to ensure transparency and adherence to the association's governing documents and local laws.

For example, when dealing with confidential or sensitive issues, HOA board members can opt for executive sessions. Think of executive sessions as a private meeting within the regular board meeting, accessible only to board members and specific invitees. Private meetings can serve a purpose, but they must be approached thoughtfully and ethically.

Learn more in this article: Can HOA Board Members Meet in Private?

Typical HOA meeting structure:

  1. Opening: The meeting starts with an official welcome, followed by the approval of previous meeting minutes.
  2. President's Report: The board president provides an overview of current projects, developments, and general updates.
  3. Committee Reports: If applicable, representatives from committees give updates on their respective areas, such as architectural, finance, or social events.
  4. Old Business: Discussing unfinished topics from previous meetings.
  5. New Business: Addressing new agenda items, which may include proposals, decisions, or community announcements.
  6. Open Forum: A designated time for homeowners to share thoughts, concerns, or ideas with the board.
  7. Adjournment: The meeting formally concludes, usually with an announcement of the next meeting's date and time.

Board Meeting Etiquette and Best Practices

Listen Actively: When others are speaking, give them your full attention. This not only shows respect but also helps in understanding the discussions thoroughly.

Raise Hand: If you wish to contribute to the conversation, use the designated method to signal your desire to speak. This helps maintain order and prevent interruptions.

Stay on Topic: Keep discussions aligned with the agenda items. This ensures that meetings stay on track and valuable time is utilized effectively.

Be Respectful: Treat fellow attendees, including HOA board members and guests, with respect and courtesy. Differing opinions are natural, and healthy discussions contribute to better decisions.

Concise Contributions: Share your thoughts concisely and clearly. This allows more individuals to participate and ensures that meetings progress smoothly.

Limit Distractions: Silence your cell phones and in virtual meetings, ensure you're in a quiet environment, mute your microphone when not speaking, and minimize background disruptions.

Follow Meeting Rules: Adhere to any rules or protocols set by the HOA board, such as speaking time limits or the order of discussion.

Your commitment to these best practices elevates the professionalism of board meetings and promotes a harmonious community atmosphere.

Remember, your active involvement in HOA board meetings holds immense value. By contributing your insights, opinions, and concerns, you play a pivotal role in nurturing transparency, growth, and the well-being of your neighborhood. If you ever need further information or have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the HOA board through our official communication channels.

At Hignell HOA Management, we’re dedicated to supporting your association. Whether you require a single conversation or ongoing monthly discussions, we’re here to partner with you, equipping your board and homeowners with the confidence needed to protect, maintain, and enhance your HOA community.