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Understanding Roles: The Board vs. Management Company in HOAs

May 20, 2024 / by HOA Manager

Homeowners' Associations play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and functionality of residential communities. Ideally, at the heart of every HOA's operations are two essential entities: the Board of Directors and the Management Company. While both entities work towards the common goal of enhancing community living, their roles and responsibilities are distinct. In this article, we discuss the core functions of each, explaining the symbiotic relationship between the Board and the Management Company in fostering vibrant and harmonious neighborhoods.

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What are the Duties of an HOA Management Company?

July 15, 2022 / by HOA Manager

Are your HOA board members able to handle the load of managing your homeowners association, or do you need a professional? This is a great question to be asking and there are a few factors to consider. If your board can handle some of the responsibilities but doesn’t want to take on all that needs to be managed and get done, then you may consider splitting the work between your volunteers and outside professionals.

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7 Reasons to Hire an HOA Manager This Year

December 30, 2021 / by HOA Manager

How is your homeowner's association doing? Is everything running easily and smoothly? Do you have interested members at each HOA board meeting? Is your reserve fund fully funded? What would you do if you were faced with a lawsuit or an unexpected project? If you answered no to any of these questions or don’t know the answer at all, below are 5 reasons you should consider hiring an HOA manager this year. 

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Not-So-Obvious Ways an HOA Management Company Can Help Your Board

February 3, 2021 / by HOA Manager

An HOA management company can help homeowners association boards in many ways and work with nearly every budget. Two of the most obvious are assisting with financials and collecting delinquent HOA fees. There are also some ways your board members may not have thought of.

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How Hiring an HOA Management Company Can Work for (Almost) Any Budget

January 30, 2021 / by HOA Manager

Many HOA boards don’t realize that their homeowners association can benefit from HOA management services without breaking the bank. You don’t always have to hire a full-service management company to provide every service – many services you can choose a la carte to fit the budget you have to work with.  

Two of the most important areas that hiring a management company can help with are assisting with financials and collecting delinquent HOA fees.

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How an HOA Board Can Still Govern When the Board President Passes Away

October 30, 2020 / by HOA Manager

Finding members in your homeowners association who want to volunteer on the HOA board can be hard – finding a member to step up and become the board president is even harder. So, what do you do when the current president passes away, you don’t have a lot people in your community involved with the board, and your current board members are concerned that hiring an HOA manager will only cause the company to take over the Association?

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3 Important Qualities of an HOA Management Company

August 9, 2020 / by HOA Manager

When an HOA board is hiring or evaluating an HOA management company it’s important to look at the big picture. The skill set that your homeowner’s association is looking for or may need will differ from others, but in general an HOA manager should possess leadership skills, communication skills, administration skills, and also be backed by a company who offers support in these areas.

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7 Ways an HOA Board & Management Company Can Work Together

August 7, 2020 / by HOA Manager

The HOA board is responsible for protecting, maintaining, and enhancing the Association, but this is difficult to do on its own. Board members willingly volunteer their time and resources to make sure their community is a pleasant place to call home. If it’s not run effectively, then it won’t be a pleasant place at all.

Since HOA board members are volunteers, they don’t always have the time or expertise to make sure the Association is being run properly. This is where an HOA management company comes in.

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How to Convince Other HOA Board Members to Hire a Management Company

July 2, 2020 / by HOA Manager

There is often a member of the HOA board who doesn’t recognize that the Association needs help beyond what the Board can do on its own. Sometimes the hard part is convincing other members of the board to invest the time and resources available to hire a manager and how it will benefit the Association in the long run. So, what will help make your case when making the suggestion to hire a management company? We’ve spelled it out for you below.

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How to Choose the Best HOA Management Company [Infographic]

June 15, 2020 / by HOA Manager

Being a volunteer board member is a big responsibility. There are decisions to be made, meetings to attend, budgets to build, and concerns to address. If your HOA board is at a place where members are feeling overwhelmed and over-committed, then it’s time to bring in some help.

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