The Purpose and Fundamentals of a Homeowners Association
February 12, 2013 / by HOA Manager
Even though you live in a homeowners association, you might be surprised how many of your neighbors -- owners and renters alike -- do not really understand the fundamental nature of common-interest communities. The media and government officials also lack a true understanding of the community homeowners association (or condominium) concept.
Sidestepping Solicitors in Your Homeowners Association
February 12, 2013 / by HOA Manager
Do you find yourself annoyed by the persistence of solicitors' unwelcome knocks on your door? It seems like no matter what they are selling or promoting they always manage to show up on your porch. They come with fliers, door hangers, a rehearsed speech and the distinct ability to ignore the polite decline of the products they are peddling to every person they can reach in your homeowners association - cleaning supplies, appliances, cosmetics, magazine subscriptions, home improvement products, coupons for local businesses and other unwanted items - sometimes even making you feel trapped in your own home.
7 Ways to Relieve Stress in Your Homeowners Association
February 12, 2013 / by HOA Manager
Burnout is more than just stress - it's how your mind and your body tell you a change is needed. Whether you're a homeowners association property manager, board member or a homeowner who is part of a homeowners association, the pressure to work harder to the point of exhaustion can be a reality. Do you find yourself often working mechanically or just going through the motions? Then try these ways to relieve stress before it turns into burnout.
Pool Rules and Procedures at Your Homeowners Association
February 12, 2013 / by HOA Manager
With summer days right around the corner, I've been thinking about swimming pools and summer sun. When I was young, every summer my friends and I would look for a pool in the local area to swim in during hot days. We would jump the fence of the local high school until someone kicked us out or we would sneak into one of many apartment complexes until we were escorted out. Many of the pools we raided were packed with families swimming so we were able to enjoy them for quite a while before they figured out that we did not belong. But there was one place where we always wanted to swim but couldn't - Lake Merced Park Homeowners Association.