17 Tips Every HOA Board Member Can Use
June 5, 2015 / by HOA Manager
Being an HOA board member is no easy task. There are meetings to attend, decisions to make, and duties to fulfill. With the extra demand on your time and resources that comes with being a member of the board, you and your fellow board members can probably take all the help you can get.
Whether your homeowners association is big or small, the members of your board can most definitely use the quick tips below. Print them out and stick them in your wallet, include them in the board packet at your next meeting, or email them out in your next board correspondence. You won’t regret it.
Does an HOA Board Have Legal Authority?
March 23, 2015 / by HOA Manager
As a member of your HOA board you have a big responsibility to enhance, maintain and protect your homeowners association. You also have the legal authority to carry out your role, but where do you get this authority?
Quick Cheat Sheet: Clarifying the HOA Operating & Reserve Budgets
March 20, 2015 / by HOA Manager
You have many responsibilities as an HOA board member that require you to make decisions and take action. Some of the most important decisions the Board of a homeowners association has to make are financial decisions. It’s challenging to try and remember what funds from the operating budget covers and what funds from the reserve budget will pay for.
Resident Tips from an HOA Board: 11 Ways to Protect Your Identity
March 12, 2015 / by HOA Manager
Identity theft can happen to anyone, anywhere - even in a homeowners association - and is a problem any time of the year. The National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) offers the following tips to help consumers protect themselves.
Homeowners Association Etiquette: Fencing Tips to Avoid Disputes
February 28, 2015 / by HOA Manager
Can’t we all just get along? In a perfect world, yes, but in a homeowners association or any neighborhood for that matter, people are going to do things that either drive you crazy or are just outright rude. But you don’t have to be that neighbor. Instead, make it a point to be a good neighbor when a maintenance or repair issue comes up. There are two sides to this. One is having an open mind when a neighbor comes to you. The second is knowing some proper etiquette when you have to approach a neighbor. One common issue that can lead to disputes is fencing.
Do Your HOA Board Members Know Which Documents Are Open for Review?
January 24, 2015 / by HOA Manager
As an HOA board member, you should know what homeowners association documents your members are entitled to review. Association members are welcome to read official association documents. There’s nothing secret about the business of the association. In fact, you should already have copies of key documents like the bylaws or rules readily available.
Why Paying Your HOA Board Members is a BIG Mistake
January 14, 2015 / by HOA Manager
Does your homeowners association pay or compensate the Board of Directors? I recently learned of an HOA that compensated its board members for “volunteering.” Each month the board members would receive a credit on their accounts for their monthly assessments. The Board collectively felt that it was doing all the work and that it should be compensated for the time.
Tips to Help HOA Board Members Manage Homeowner Forums
December 16, 2014 / by HOA Manager
All meetings of the HOA board, excluding executive sessions, are open meetings. A required part of every homeowners association Board meeting is the homeowners forum (also referred to as “open forum” or “open comments to the Board”). Homeowner forums are typically held at the beginning or end of meetings, and any owner attending a meeting has the opportunity to address the Board and may do so during the homeowner forum portion of the meeting.
How the Budget Committee Works in a Homeowners Association
November 10, 2014 / by HOA Manager
For homeowners associations with a January through December budget year, the time clock is ticking to develop a budget for the upcoming year and have the budget approved in time for the association’s year-end mailing. A budget committee can be comprised of HOA board members, members of your community association or a combination of both. How does the budget committee work and who serves on it?
What Does this Thing Called Fiduciary Duty Mean for HOA Board Members?
October 9, 2014 / by HOA Manager
As a new or current HOA board member you may often hear terms that you’re unfamiliar with. It’s important to ask questions and stay educated when something is unclear, and nothing can be more convoluted than financial jargon.