What a First Time HOA Board Member Should Know
July 8, 2013 / by HOA Manager
If you are a new homeowners association Board member there are a number of things you need to know about the position. This role means you will be making decisions for your Association. As an HOA board member you will be expected to act in the best interests of the Association.
What an HOA Board Can Do to Ensure Notices are Received
May 20, 2013 / by HOA Manager
As an HOA Board member, how many times have you heard the excuse “I never got a letter” from a homeowner when attempting to collect fines or notify them about a rule violation? This is a common excuse that homeowners make, and while sometimes it does happen, HOA Board members should know about the Mailbox Rule and best practices they can do to increase the open-rate of letters.
Why You Can't Afford To Not Have an HOA Reserve Fund
February 25, 2013 / by HOA Manager
An HOA Reserve Fund is one of the most important things a Board can plan for its association, however, many Board members misunderstand what it is, why it’s needed, or how to get it implemented. Knowing the basics about an HOA reserve fund and the reasons it’s crucial you have one will help set your community up for success.