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7 Tips for Dealing with Graffiti in Your Homeowners Association

August 13, 2020 / by HOA Manager

Some homeowners associations experience a high volume of graffiti within their neighborhoods. The association should be monitoring these incidents and should immediately remove graffiti from common areas when this happens. Members are encouraged to do the same with their property, as well as taking steps to deter vandals in the neighborhood.

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How Can the HOA Board Be Politically Correct During Campaign Season?

August 11, 2020 / by HOA Manager

The presidential race is in full-swing and everyone is gearing up for campaign season. While some people prefer to keep their opinions to themselves, others want you to know exactly who they’re voting for and why. How does all this come into play when you live in a homeowner’s association?

First, it’s inappropriate for the HOA board to act politically. In other words, the Board as an entity should not declare a “side” so to speak. That being said, it can support both sides of the political spectrum by doing the following.

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HOA Board Governance in a Nutshell

July 30, 2020 / by HOA Manager

Community associations have a lot in common with municipal governments. As members of a governing body -- and typically also members of the homeowner’s association -- HOA board members should meet regularly to discuss and vote on important community issues, like paying the Association’s bills, funding reserves and contracting with vendors to keep community amenities in good repair. The Board makes decisions about these and other important topics using a democratic process.

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Do You Know the Limits of Your Homeowners Association’s Insurance?

July 21, 2020 / by HOA Manager

If you’re a member of an HOA board, you probably know that having insurance for your homeowners association is a necessity to protect the HOA and its members. But do you know what type of insurance you need to have or what the Association is responsible for and what the individual homeowner is responsible for? It can be a confusing topic to understand, especially if you have outdated CC&Rs – or haven’t even read your CC&Rs.

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How to Find and Recruit Great HOA Board Members for Your Community

June 3, 2020 / by HOA Manager

When your community is recruiting new HOA board members, there are certain qualities to look for in prospective members and good strategies for getting these individuals involved.

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How HOA Board Members Can Strengthen Relationships in the Association

May 22, 2020 / by HOA Manager

Living in a homeowners association is more than just residing in a structure of wood and nails. It’s about building relationships and being part of a community. There are key relationships that HOA board members can nurture and encourage residents in the Association to develop as well.

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Tips from an HOA Board: 6 Ways Members Can Be Crime Stoppers

May 20, 2020 / by HOA Manager

Everyone wants a safe place to call home, and your homeowners association should strive to make all residents feel secure. While the HOA board is diligent in its efforts to reduce possible dangers in your community, it can't do it alone. It's up to everyone to pitch in to keep crime rates down. Thankfully, taking a few simple steps can go a long way in keeping theft, vandalism and other felonies and misdemeanors out of the Association.

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How Does Your HOA Board Navigate Owner Requests for Service Animals?

May 15, 2020 / by HOA Manager

Your homeowners association may have a strict pet policy. Maybe it’s “no pets under any circumstance” or “no dogs over 50 pounds” or bans certain breeds of dogs or limits the total number of pets allowed in each unit. How does your HOA board navigate the situation when an owner requests to have a service dog or some other type of animal?

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7 Social Media Safety Tips for Your Homeowners Association

May 13, 2020 / by HOA Manager

Social media has many benefits. It allows you to maintain connections with friends and neighbors in your homeowners association, make new contacts, build support networks, express yourself, and share your interests. However, information should be shared with caution to protect yourself and your family. Learn more in the tips below.

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What Every HOA Board Should Have in Its Tool Belt

April 3, 2020 / by HOA Manager

It’s always convenient to have some tools in your tool belt – you never know when you might need one. Instead of a hammer, nails, screwdriver and measuring tape, there are tools that are handy for an HOA board to have access to - because you never know when you might need to refer to them.

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