HOA Management Blog
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The Value of Your Homeowners Association AttorneyThe Value of Your Homeowners Association Attorney
There are several individuals that bring value to your homeowners association. Your volunteer HOA board, your...
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How Can Residents Be Active in Your Homeowner's Association?How Can Residents Be Active in Your Homeowner's Association?
Every homeowner’s association community always seems to have a lot going on, and that can sometimes include, among...
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Tips to Minimize HOA Board Meeting MayhemTips to Minimize HOA Board Meeting Mayhem
For many people, meetings are a fact of life. Whether it’s an HOA board or member meeting in your homeowner’s...
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Tips to Improve Your Monthly HOA Board MeetingsTips to Improve Your Monthly HOA Board Meetings
In any organization meetings often seem like a necessary evil. Many people feel like they go to meetings to discuss...
Ways to Foster the Relationship Between the HOA Board and the ManagerWays to Foster the Relationship Between the HOA Board and the Manager
The most important thing to remember in any relationship is that it takes time and effort from both parties. The...
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3 Helpful Resources to Support an Effective HOA Board Meeting3 Helpful Resources to Support an Effective HOA Board Meeting
How would you define an effective HOA board meeting? Most people would see it as time spent efficiently, where issues...
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3 Things to Do if Crime is a Problem in Your Homeowners Association3 Things to Do if Crime is a Problem in Your Homeowners Association
When homeowners start to notice an increase in crime in the homeowners association, it's not necessarily the fault of...
Tips to Be Prepared if a Disaster Strikes Your Homeowners AssociationTips to Be Prepared if a Disaster Strikes Your Homeowners Association
If you think hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, floods or polar vortexes won’t happen to you or that you don’t need to...
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What to Do if Your Homeowners Association is Facing ForeclosuresWhat to Do if Your Homeowners Association is Facing Foreclosures
As a Board member of a homeowners association you may be faced with making decisions to foreclose on homes in your...
Pros & Cons of Age-Restricted Homeowners AssociationsPros & Cons of Age-Restricted Homeowners Associations
When you think of an age-restricted homeowners association, you might conjure up a picture of elderly couples in...
How Do You Know Your HOA Manager is Giving You Good Information?How Do You Know Your HOA Manager is Giving You Good Information?
If you’re a member of an HOA board, one of the reasons you chose to hire a property manager to help your community...
What is an Official Meeting: In 200 Words or LessWhat is an Official Meeting: In 200 Words or Less
Board meetings, executive sessions, and membership meetings are the most common in an HOA. They require a quorum to be...
How to Avoid Maintenance Misunderstandings in a Homeowners AssociationHow to Avoid Maintenance Misunderstandings in a Homeowners Association
A hot topic among homeowners association members is knowing who is responsible for certain maintenance items in the...
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Not-So-Obvious Ways an HOA Management Company Can Help Your BoardNot-So-Obvious Ways an HOA Management Company Can Help Your Board
An HOA management company can help homeowners association boards in many ways and work with nearly every budget. Two of...
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How an HOA Manager Helps the Board Prepare for Emergency SituationsHow an HOA Manager Helps the Board Prepare for Emergency Situations
When people think of an emergency, the first image that usually comes to mind is a natural disaster. But an emergency...
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How Hiring an HOA Management Company Can Work for (Almost) Any BudgetHow Hiring an HOA Management Company Can Work for (Almost) Any Budget
Many HOA boards don’t realize that their homeowners association can benefit from HOA management services without...
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Tips to Prepare a Family Emergency Plan in Your Homeowners AssociationTips to Prepare a Family Emergency Plan in Your Homeowners Association
Natural disasters affect thousands of people every year, and with the increased risk of severe thunderstorms, flash...
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Steps to Take When HOA Board Members Can’t Make DecisionsSteps to Take When HOA Board Members Can’t Make Decisions
Some HOA boards have the need to discuss things ad nauseum and yet never come to a decision. It can be extremely...